Brain Vitamins: Nutrition to Improve Brain and Memory

An insufficient amount of vitamins in the human body negatively affects the activity of the brain, leading to disorders of cognitive functions. The main signs of vitamin deficiency are the loss of the ability to perceive and remember information, deterioration of attention, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, lethargy, fatigue, and bad mood.

To prevent this condition, regularly take vitamins, and also supplement the diet with foods that improve brain function.

What is the role of vitamins

The root underlying the word "vitamins" means life. Indeed, the ability of the body to work correctly and productively depends on what organic substances we assimilate with food.

Vitamins help the body perform the following functions:

  1. They produce collagen, which strengthens and improves the firmness and elasticity of tissues, including vascular walls. This leads to improved blood formation and nourishes the brain.
  2. Promote the acceleration of redox reactions, thereby increasing metabolism, release energy from proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  3. Possessing antioxidant properties, they prevent the destruction of cells by products of biochemical reactions.

To maintain the active work of the brain, it is necessary to constantly monitor the vitamin and mineral balance. And in case of a shortage, replenish the vitamin supply by choosing the right food and taking vitamin complexes containing various low molecular weight organic compounds.

What vitamins are needed for the brain

vitamins in foods for brain function

Cognitive brain dysfunctions are more common with age. Among the reasons provoking this condition, there are endocrine disorders (thyroid gland, metabolism), pathologies of the digestive system, frequent stress and excessive physical activity that require huge energy costs. In this case, vitamins should come to the rescue. Among the large number of them, one can single out the main ones that ensure the effective work of the brain. These include:

Beta carotene

Yellow-orange pigment that transforms into vitamin A. Protects brain cells, prevents the loss of cognitive function, promotes the development of memory. Lack of pigment threatens pathologies of the organs of vision, negatively affects growth and development in childhood.

Vitamins B

They are represented by a whole group, and each of its representatives is of great importance for the human body:

  1. thiamine (B1) helps the absorption of carbohydrates and stores energy, its lack destroys the digestive system;
  2. riboflavin (B2) promotes effective oxygen absorption, relieves fatigue, provides the body with energy;
  3. nicotinic acid (B3) - a powerful antioxidant, dilates blood vessels, is indicated for use in case of impaired blood supply;
  4. pantothenic acid (B5) - participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, synthesizes acetylcholine, helping to transmit nerve impulses to the brain;
  5. pyridoxine (B6) - produces hormones responsible for cognitive processes, synthesizes enzymes that break down proteins and are necessary to create new cells;
  6. folic acid (B9) - promotes cell reproduction, the formation of serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine, is needed by pregnant women for the development of a pregnant fetus;
  7. cyanocobalamin (B12) - lowers bad cholesterol, strengthens vascular walls, participates in the synthesis of amino acids and DNA.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

It prevents the degeneration of brain cells, helps the gland to be absorbed better. In combination with tocopherol, it is used in the treatment of pathologies associated with impaired blood supply, reduces the risk of developing a malignant tumor.

Calciferol (Vitamin D)

It activates the assimilation of phosphorus and calcium, which are part of the brain cells, improves cognitive abilities (memory, attention), mood. The lack of this organic compound becomes the cause of the development of cognitive impairment.

Vitamin K

It is represented by a group of fat-soluble compounds - phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone (K2), which are responsible for the functioning of blood vessels and blood coagulation. Thanks to him, calcium is absorbed more easily. The shortage threatens with blockage of blood vessels, the development of amnesia, and a violation of hematopoiesis.

Tocopherol (vitamin E)

As a powerful antioxidant, it protects nerve cells from toxins and free radicals, improves memory properties, and slows down aging.

Polyunsaturated fats - the so-called omega-3 fats - also have an effect on improving the performance of the brain. They affect neuroplasticity, increase concentration, and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Foods for Better Brain Function

foods rich in vitamins for the brain

The main activity of the brain is the transmission of commands to perform the functions of the body's vital functions. To maintain a well-coordinated work, he needs good nutrition. Consumed food should contain useful vitamins and minerals.

Here is a list of healthy foods for the brain that you need to regularly include in your diet:

  1. Nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds): include polyunsaturated acids, vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene, as well as iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, etc. They prevent premature aging of the body, activate the brain.
  2. Berries (blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries): improve memory and vision, prevent pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, increase efficiency.
  3. Eggs (chicken, quail): rich in lutein, which prevents the development of heart attack and stroke. Doctors recommend eating no more than 2 pieces a day.
  4. High-quality dark chocolate: in moderation, it stimulates the activity of the brain, improves its supply of oxygen, dilates blood vessels. The magnesium and phosphorus contained in it contribute to the nutrition of cells.
  5. Carrots: inhibits aging by preventing the destruction of brain cells.
  6. Beetroot: Increases blood flow to the brain, helping to enhance mental performance.
  7. Seaweed: contains iodine, which helps in the fight against irritability, insomnia, depression, amnesia.
  8. Fatty sea fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna): a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - good for the brain.
  9. Chicken, turkey, beef: contains protein, selenium and B vitamins.
  10. Spinach: a real storehouse of vitamins A, C, K, as well as iron - it prevents the development of heart attack and stroke.
  11. Legumes (lentils, beans): Provide a clear mind and speed of thinking.

To organize the full functioning of the brain, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of nutritionists:

  • do not overeat - excess food contributes to the formation of free radicals, which have a detrimental effect on brain cells;
  • eat fractionally small portions - 5-6 meals per day;
  • fish in the diet should be at least 3 times a week;
  • complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed daily until 16. 00;
  • give up alcohol, caffeine, fatty foods, sweet and flour products.

Compliance with the work and rest regimen, an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes will keep your brain healthy for a long time.